When I was much younger and as a teenager, i never actually did much checking up on labels that are on most packaged & processed food, and i ate unhealthy most days.

Without God, each other, farmers, rain, sunshine, flowers and hard work…..where would we be right now? Probably nowhere.

A few years ago now, when i turned 18 years old, I started a holistic diet of organic whole foods with lots of vegetables, fruit, salads, nuts, seeds, and less sugar and dairy….which has been helping me to become healthier and glow from the inside/out and i pray this blog helps you to do the same! πŸ™‚

If you plan to start a detox, just know it isn’t easy, and will take a lot of hard work and effort to keep going with a healthy diet full of fresh fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds and lots of herbal teas, nut milks, and smoothies & juices!

It takes time to get your health back on track, but we can do it together..if you read on. πŸ’›

First of all, try taking Bentonite Clay on an empty stomach for a few days, until the toxins in your body clear up and make sure you drink LOTS of water to stay well & hydrated every day!

+Detox Juice πŸ’¦πŸ‰


3 whole Carrots

1 Watermelon

1/2 a Pineapple

Grated Ginger




1 Banana

2 cups Coconut milk

Manuka Honey

Coconut sugar

Raw Cacao bean powder




Baby Spinach


Don’t give up trying your best!


Try this bath recipe OR a relaxing massage to help ease the tension in your muscles, from a hard day at work, or whatever your job may be! πŸ‘



`A BATH (+relaxing music 🎢)

I hope this helps all of you, especially for the hard working Mothers out there, and all the beautiful people out there who need a little more TLC and not much time to pamper yourself. πŸ™‚




Here are the key ingredients:





`NUT MILK (of your choice)


Heat the ingredients through on a stove top on low/medium temperature, in a small saucepan for 10-15 minutes..depending on how much of each ingredient you need for your family/yourself and ENJOY!πŸ’›πŸŒπŸ―β›„πŸ’―


In November last year, i went to a Worship & Creative conference held by Hillsong each year.

It was an experience that really grew me in my faith and love for others.

I went alone, but God never left my side the whole way!

It was on the plane that i noticed one of my friends sitting in the seat in front of me as i sat there chewing on a snack and sipping on my water….looking out the window, and feeling a little anxious about going somewhere i had never been before!

But in that time what resonated the most with me was music, …..and so i plugged in my earphones and listened to as many worship tracks i could find and flicked through the pages of a travel magazine in front of me.

Ever so occasionally, i would watch to see if my friend would turn and say hello.

She did, and i smiled back!

I knew in my heart that i am blessed beyond measure to have the friends that i met over the years!

Now, as i waited on the plane to land….i watched the clouds below me turn into fairy floss…..hmmm maybe i was craving sugar….’who really knows?’ πŸ˜‚

Then the Pilot called over the loudspeaker: “We will be in Sydney at such and such a time, so prepare for landing.”

I looked over at my sister in Christ again and almost laughed because the excitement i had inside was bubbling out of me with joy!

Okay…..i thought: “I will be stepping off this plane soon, and landing in another state of Australia that i have hardly been to before! Let’s do this! ”

So, i walked off the plane and journeyed the way to the Sydney airport and then i went to the ladies toilet and who else was in line in front of me other than……another friend!

She was about to go on a cruise and was very excited too!

I told her all about my travels, and she said that soon we would meet up, but i had to rush off because i needed to catch my train!

Fortunately, God places the right people in our path and i was able to catch my train on time and then find the connecting bus in a busy city like Sydney!

I caught my bus and then as i sat there in one of the front seats, i noticed a girl board the bus and we smiled at each other.

It is funny how you meet people who seem like friends even before you meet them!

Anyway….when i finally arrived at the Hillsong conference, i met a mother & daughter who flew over from the States and that daughter was the same girl who walked in the bus, at that very moment!

Isn’t that amazing?!

This Worship and Creative conference changed my life in a huge way that not only impacted my heart, but i think it changed many other hearts and lives too!

I stayed with a beautiful friend in her home, and helped her cook meals, and even shared a bed so i would have a place to sleep!

I am so grateful for her compassion and caring heart, when i told her of my financial situation.

I really gleaned a lot from my time at Hillsong conference, and could not wait for the next one, if there would be a next one as i wasn’t sure if i was going to make it through another night some days, because the enemy had attacked me in many ways in the past, especially in my emotions!

But not today, it wasn’t going to happen again!

Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!

I learned about vocal warm up & downs, listened to some of the greatest women of God talk about issues that hit home for a lot of us, worshipped, danced, jumped around in joy, laughed, hugged, cried and breathed in every moment like it was my last!

Thank you God for all you do, i wouldn’t have been able to live if it hadn’t been for your love inside of me!